The most treatable ailment known to man
Suing ass acne is often the first action most AA suffferers take. But as our experts have testified, ass acne is often due to behavioral elements which can be avoided. AA sufferers tend to sit on their asses all day, resulting in impacted pores and you-know-what.
In cases where AA is not due to behavior, there are a variety of OTC and prescription treatments that have been proven effective over many decades. Even scarring from AA has been successfully treated.
Many people endure years of unnecessary humiliation and live in constant fear of showing their ass and, frankly, it is all their fault. Help is out there. Seek the treatment you need.
In cases where AA is not due to behavior, there are a variety of OTC and prescription treatments that have been proven effective over many decades. Even scarring from AA has been successfully treated.
Many people endure years of unnecessary humiliation and live in constant fear of showing their ass and, frankly, it is all their fault. Help is out there. Seek the treatment you need.