A crisis for assne sufferers
Several HMOs are working to get ass acne reclassified so that plan doctors will not be required to consult with assne patients and guide them in their treatment. Since assne can be treated with OTC meds exclusively, the HMOs feel that patients do not need to see a doctor to successfully manage their disease. They want to treat ass acne like a sore throat or a minor burn.
Needless to say, we have leaped into this battle and we intend to fight to protect assne sufferers' right to a consultation with their doctor re: which unguents to apply and at what interval. Sometimes just following the instructions on the package is not enough.
Sore throats and minor burns are acute problems. Without proper treatment, assne can linger for months or years. Please call or write your representatives and let them know how important you feel this distinction is. Thank you.
Needless to say, we have leaped into this battle and we intend to fight to protect assne sufferers' right to a consultation with their doctor re: which unguents to apply and at what interval. Sometimes just following the instructions on the package is not enough.
Sore throats and minor burns are acute problems. Without proper treatment, assne can linger for months or years. Please call or write your representatives and let them know how important you feel this distinction is. Thank you.