Yes, we are aware of the irony
Bing-Tak's recent flare-up of assne has left her unable to fulfill her important duties with the firm. The lengthy meetings that are part of the job entail sitting for long periods, something Bing-Tak could not do comfortably, and she chose to take a short leave rather than place the firm in an awkward situation.
On the surface, this may seem humorous - an attorney for ass acne laid low by the very disease she is defending around the world - but we assure you, none of us are laughing much. We wish her a speedy recovery, which, given the many effective treatments available today, is very likely.
Our work continues unabated. Talia left Thursday for Burkina Faso, where a medical trial was recently conducted in which thousands of innocent villagers were promised assne treatment but were given a placebo instead. We will not stand by while the rich profit off the suffering of the poor (and assne goes untreated). The 1000 units of Proactiv® Solution that Talia is bringing (airport security permitting) are just a start.
Hopefully, this will be the case that finally brings ass acne out of our bathrooms and into our hearts.
On the surface, this may seem humorous - an attorney for ass acne laid low by the very disease she is defending around the world - but we assure you, none of us are laughing much. We wish her a speedy recovery, which, given the many effective treatments available today, is very likely.
Our work continues unabated. Talia left Thursday for Burkina Faso, where a medical trial was recently conducted in which thousands of innocent villagers were promised assne treatment but were given a placebo instead. We will not stand by while the rich profit off the suffering of the poor (and assne goes untreated). The 1000 units of Proactiv® Solution that Talia is bringing (airport security permitting) are just a start.
Hopefully, this will be the case that finally brings ass acne out of our bathrooms and into our hearts.